June 18, 2008

  • Shyness

    My kids are shy, especially my 4 year-old daughter.  In new situations, she likes to take a while to observe things before jumping in to talk to someone new or participate in the activity.  I never really thought much about it since I was shy as a kid too.  And I think I turned out ok! 

    But recently, I've run into several people along the way who think shyness is something that needs to be addressed in occupational/speech therapy.  They ask if I've discussed her shyness with a pediatrician.  They ask if I'm worried.  Or they are offended when my daughter doesn't instantly say "hi" and give them a hug. 

    Seriously???  People get offended when a 4 year-old won't say "hi"?  IT'S A FOUR YEAR-OLD!  Someone even suggested I make a sticker chart to reward her for saying "hi" to new people. 

    It just interests me.  I grew up in a family where a bunch of the members were shy.  I thought shyness was pretty common in kids.  But recently, I've been hearing more and more negative comments about it and people trying to suggest ways to "fix it".  

    Are your kids shy?




Comments (4)

  • I was never shy as a "kid."  We used to go camping and I was the unofficial campground welcome wagon.  As I hit adolescence I reverted.  I wouldn't say I was SHY.  But I was certainly not the most outgoing person in the world.

    As for my kids, time will tell.  How are you feeling?

  • I was a shy kid, and I am still shy now but I learned how to control my shyness and just go ahead, be myself.  I think there's nothing wrong with being shy at all, but people used to think that I was a snoot for not saying hi when I was just being shy.  I was okay by it because I know exactly the reason why people thought I was that way. ^^

  • @Stacey - I'm feeling good, thanks!  How about you?

  • @mom_da_bomb_14 - As good as can be.  I'm still having nausea, but I can deal with it.  I'm probably keeping Canada Dry in business.

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